Friday, 8 October 2021

Comfort Zone - Talk About What You’re Working On

This week I had a lesson about taking my own advice. I’ll often advise people on how to speak publicly and/or privately about things they’re working on because listeners might connect you with a helper, or may directly lend a hand.

At the end of September one of my excellent tenants vacated a small apartment building I’ve owned for over twenty-five years.    One of the tasks that I don’t enjoy as a landlord is finding new tenants as the vacancy rate is low, demand is high, and landlords like me get lots of phone calls and email from ‘tire kickers’ and people who don’t bother to read the ads, they just phone or email. So conversations like this are not uncommon;

“Where is your apartment?’

“West. Like it says in the listing.’

“Oh I’m looking for something east.  How many bedrooms?’

“One. Like it says in the listing.”

“Oh I’m looking for a two bedroom. Is heat included?”

“No. Heat isn’t included as it says in the listing.”

“Oh.  Well thanks anyway.”

Then it happened that I was outside getting some exercise cycling and I saw a friend walking down the street. I stopped and we chatted. I mentioned I had an empty apartment. He said he had two acquaintances who were looking for an apartment.  Right then and there I had two quality leads with a reference I trusted. And now I have a great new tenant.

While you do need to choose your time and place, make a point to be open about goals you’re considering or working on. Be prepared when someone asks ‘what’s new?’




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