Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Creativity Sources: Gary Numan and “Cars”


Do you know the song “Cars” by Gary Numan? It’s an old song released in 1979.  He feels safe in his car.  He can lock all the doors.

It’s an interesting tune for a few reasons. One of the YouTube channels to which I subscribe is titled Behind the Vinyl. They invite musicians to talk about distinctive songs they’ve released.  I’ve watched Gary Numan’s four-minute interview on this song and was struck by his trust, innovation and the creativity that enabled the song to see life. You can see the interview here 

The distinctive bass line, the riff that opens the song and reoccurs throughout, is a result of Numan purchasing a bass guitar.  He didn’t know how to play bass guitar, but he plugged it in and the first notes he played sounded good.  It became that opening riff in “Cars.”

Simple Stories

I love that simple story because it provides an example of innovation, in that he used an instrument with which he was unfamiliar, an unfamiliar tool. The story also illustrates creativity and instinct, which applies to speeches as well.  We should trust our instincts more often. If you’re wondering whether a story fits in your speech, give it a try. Afterwards ask for some audience feedback.  Sometimes audience members see more value and different perspectives in a story than you might see.

 Another distinctive element in “Cars” is a very long note he plays on a Moog synthesizer. He holds the note for eight seconds, a long time for one note.  In the video he explains that while building an overlay onto the song he pressed the note on the Moog and didn’t know where to go next, what note to play next, so he just held it. Trusted his instinct.   

Additionally, while he doesn’t mention this in the interview, yet another distinctive element is that the song does not have a chorus, it contravenes traditional song structure.  

Finally, he talked about the inspiration for the lyrics about feeling safe in his car.  He described making a mistake in London traffic, then some people trying to pull him from his car to beat him up, so he made his escape in the car via a sidewalk. He felt safe in his car. He can lock all the doors. May you and I never discover a similar source of inspiration.

Songs and Creativity: Aerosmith

I play guitar and I’m a geek about music. There are so many great stories about how songs were created. Another terrific and simple story describes how Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” came about.  Steven Tyler writes about it in his autobiography, which is not a book for the faint of heart. Guitarist Joe Perry was noodling around on his guitar in soundcheck before a concert. Tyler’s ear and instinct recognized the potential of some of that noodling. Tyler heard and locked onto the memorable riff that anchors the song. Most of you reading this will have now recalled that riff and it’s earwormed it’s way into your head.

Speeches, Creativity and Connecting with the Human

I think most speakers should trust our instinct more often. At times speakers have a personal story they consider inserting, but back away because they feel it’s not good enough, or perhaps too revealing. However, audiences want to connect with the human presenting.

When using a personal story, we don’t need to reveal every detail, or embarrassing details. We can shape our stories. If you’re considering using such a story, you likely don’t even remember all the details accurately. Over time you have shaped the memory of the event as you’ve replayed the story in your mind over the years.

The purpose in telling a story during a speech, is to illustrate a lesson. It doesn’t need to be 100% accurate.  Trust your instinct. Experiment.

Even during business presentations, there is room for creativity and at times, some light emotional content. For example, if justifying an investment, it can be helpful to relate a story about the impact the business has had on a customer. A story about an interaction with a customer can appeal to emotion, and help support a rational decision.


Creativity, Inspiration and Instinct

Gary Numan trusted his instinct and wrote a great, memorable song. Steven Tyler and Aerosmith did as well.

Trust your instinct. Experiment with stories. The result might be more memorable speeches and presentations.




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