Tuesday, 4 April 2023

2021 Presentation for The University of New Brunswick

Last week I received a comment about a presentation I made 20 months ago for the University of New Brunswick Associated Alumni Office. A friend had stumbled upon the video and I don’t recall sharing it, so I will do so now. In 1993, I completed a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, and then a Masters in Business Administration in 2013,  both at UNB. I’m proud to be an alumni of UNB.  


When I completed my Bachelors degree, another student and I were invited to assist a professor who was advising post-Soviet countries as they worked to transition to market economies. That summer I spent two months in Ukraine, primarily in Kyiv, with a weekend in Odessa, on the Black Sea. This was a tremendous experience. I look forward to the development of an ever stronger and prosperous Ukraine, and a sustainable and peaceful future for their resilient citizens.

Past Presentations

As a speaker, it’s helpful to watch past presentations. This presentation contains much of my core material, although usually when I present, I work to add some new content to see how well it lands with the audience, or to meet a specific need of an organization. Sometimes the pertinence of new material becomes clearer when I present.  This feels odd to state, however I do find that when I work the speech plan, the audience engagement and act of presenting sometimes reveals new significance.

“Tell them what you’ll tell them. Tell them, Then tell them what you told them” 

As I scanned through the video, I was pleased that I mentioned the business structure of “tell them what you’ll tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them.”  This is a bit of a cliché, but the structure is helpful for audiences. This structure asserts a brief table of contents, followed by core material, and then a brief recap. In this presentation, I did use that structure. This structure helps because audiences are distracted. This approach increases the odds of more audience members receiving your message.


If you care to watch the video, please visit here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XObo__ETXI

If you’d like to support the UNB Alumni association with me, please visit https://www.unb.ca/alumni/



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