Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Free Book December 29, 2023 - January 2, 2024

My book Lead Better Meetings: Get Better Results is available free on a promotion from Friday, December 29, 2023, 12:00 AM PST until Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 11:59 PM PST.  Here is a link to the book


The Original Inspiration For The Book

I was inspired to write Lead Better Meetings: Get Better Results after I was invited to speak to two groups about running more effective meetings and keeping work groups focused and engaged. New managers in particular will often struggle to get off to a good start with their teams. The book provides a simple, repeatable structure to start and manage meetings. The simple, repeatable structure may be all that is required for an agenda in many meetings.

After my presentation, I thought it would be worthwhile to capture the approach in a book.  So, I did that.

E-Book Only Format

The book is available in e-book format only. While I’m pleased with and proud of the content, there aren’t sufficient pages to justify publishing the content as a paperback. When a book has fewer than 100 pages, it doesn’t look professional as a skinny paperback.  Instead, it looks like a pamphlet.


Four Books In Four Years

I’ve now produced four books in four years, and am quite content if that’s where my published quantity of work remains, but inspiration will likely strike again. In April, I present to a group about managing conflict and difficult conversations.  That presentation is largely prepared already as I write this in December 2023, although I will continue to round and shape the material.  Perhaps I will be inspired to write my point of view on this topic. I did publish a blog post previously

A key concept in my approach to managing conflict is to test if it exists. Often people will perceive conflict, invent reasons why the perceived conflict exists, and manufacture weirdness in how the parties interact thereby further solidifying reasons why awkwardness, or perceived conflict, exists in the relationship.  In my opinion, a key aspect of professionalism is learning to ask, when a healthy working relationship is desired, if another person is upset.


Promotion Period

This e-book promotion runs from Friday, December 29, 2023, 12:00 AM PST until Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 11:59 PM PST at this link


Well executed team meetings are immensely helpful in focusing and enabling a team to achieve their goals. Meetings that aren’t well executed can be a colossal waste of time.

If you take advantage of this free book promotion, I hope you find value in the content. As a writer, comments and reviews are always welcome, although most readers neither comment or review. I am interested in comments and feedback whether positive or offering opportunity for clarification and improvement.

Additional opportunity for feedback is available here


A Gift Article About Reducing Meetings

Here is a gift link from my Washington Post subscription about a company that shook up their routine and reduced the number of recurring meetings they hold thereby gaining 11 hours of productive time per month

Saturday, 2 December 2023

How to Offer a Toast or Inspiration

 Have you ever been called upon to offer an end of year toast, or other such inspiration?

The Christmas holiday season is ideal for practicing and exercising this skill at dinner with family or friends, or at a workplace event.  A toast typically honors a person or a group of people. It’s a simple yet urbane method to show gratitude and celebrate camaraderie.  It’s best to be brief. There is no need to stand awkwardly holding a glass for a long period of time. Be concise.   

Here is a simple formula that requires little to no preparation.


How to Offer a Toast at any Occasion

1.    When you notice a brief lull in the conversation tap your glass with a fork several times to get everyone’s attention

2.    Stand and proclaim “I’d like to offer a toast”

a.    Acknowledge one, two or three achievements from the year passed. This could be an achievement by someone in attendance, or a group achievement.  For example, a friend or family member may have received a promotion or bought their first house. A co-worker may have achieved a significant work anniversary, or had a baby. Be prepared with your examples.

b.    Give thanks for the opportunity to be together at this moment. Celebrate this moment where you can socialize with friends, family or co-workers.  

c.     Offer best wishes to all during the upcoming twelve months. You might single out one or two individuals who have major events in the next twelve months.

d.    End with ‘let’s raise our glasses to …”

For example, “let’s raise our glasses to more friendship, camaraderie, and success in the next twelve months.”  

3.    Sit down and enjoy your contribution to group camaraderie


For further reading on the art of the toast please visit


GYCZ Reviewing Basics with New Leaders

If you were coaching someone in a new role, what basics would you review with her as she began? A colleague I’ve worked with previously ha...