Monday, 19 December 2022

How to Deliver a Holiday Toast

There are many opportunities to show appreciation with a toast during the year.  The Christmas holiday season is ideal for practicing and exercising this skill.  A toast typically honors a person or a group of people. It’s a simple yet sophisticated technique to show gratitude and celebrate camaraderie at family events, at dinner with friends, or at work events with colleagues.  

Should you choose to offer a toast, attendees will appreciate your thoughtfulness and poise  Brevity is key as there’s no need to stand awkwardly holding a glass for a long period of time. Be brief.   

Here is a simple formula that requires little to no preparation.

How to Offer a Toast at any Occasion

1. When you notice a lull in the conversation tap your glass with a fork several times to get everyone’s attention

2. Stand and declare ‘I’d like to offer a toast’

a.       Acknowledge an achievement from the year passed. This could be an achievement of someone at the event, or a group achievement.

b.       Give thanks for the opportunity to be together at this moment. Celebrate this moment.  

c.       Offer best wishes to all during the coming year. You might single out one or two individuals who have major events in the upcoming time period.

d.       End with ‘let’s raise our glasses to …”

3. Sit down and enjoy your contribution to group camaraderie

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